Providence Soapbox Champs
The Numerator 2.0 is the fastest calculator in the world!
The Good, The Bad, And The Nerdy now holds the title of 2007 Red Bull Champions! College Hill in Providence, Rhode Island claimed the life of many gravity-powered crafts. However, The Numerator 2.0 owned the course. Piloted by Anthony Johnson and Charlie Murray, The Numerator hit speeds over 30MPH on the course finishing 6 seconds faster then the field.
The Good, The Bad, And The Nerdy would like to thank everyone involved with the event. Many students helped out behind the scenes to made the numerator. Thanks to CAMP for the funding to transport the craft out to the smallest state in the union. Thanks to the Summit Signs and Supplies for the Decals and Mid Dakota Diesel for the building materials.
Keep Drinking RedBull and hopefully they will continue to hosts events like the Soapbox Race.
Stay tuned for more info!
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